Grow in Grace and Knowledge


Sunday 9:30 AM Traditional Sunday School 10:00 AM Grow In Grace & Knowledge Class 10:45 AM Worship Service Wednesday 6:30 Bible Study

Grow in Grace & Knowledge Sunday School Class (All Ages)

The Grow in Grace and Knowledge class meets Sunday morning at 10am in the Boothsville Baptist Church basement.  Our goal is to grow Spiritual Lives in the Lord through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and witnessing.  We strive to build a strong connection with individuals of all ages and backgrounds.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

10/13/2024 - Lesson 9:  Edifying the Church

 1 Corinthians 14:1-12

Learners will seek to edify local churches by the loving use of their spiritual gifts.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

10/20/2024 - Lesson 10:  Strive for Understanding

 1 Corinthians 14:13-19

Learners will realize the importance of speaking understandably in corporate worship.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

10/6/2024 - Lesson 8:  The Greatest Never Fails

 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

Learners will recognize the importance of seeking the permanence of love in their lives while waiting for that which is complete to come.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

9/29/2024 - Lesson 7:  A More Excellent Way

 1 Corinthians 13:1-8a

The learner will understand that love is to be prioritized in the church over the exercise of any spiritual gift


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

9/22/2024 - Lesson 6:  What This is Really About

 1 Corinthians 12:27-31

The learners will understand that the church is a picture of the body of Christ.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

9/15/2024 - Lesson 5:  We Need Other Pieces

 1 Corinthians 12:18-26

The learners will understand that God puts the puzzle together and that all the pieces are of equal importance.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

9/8/2024 - Lesson 4:  I am a Genuine Piece

 1 Corinthians 12:12-17

The learners will understand that they have (or will have) their own unique gift to contribute to their church.


No Class - Happy Labor Day! We will return 9/8/2024.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

8/25/2024 - Lesson 3:  Different Pieces; Same Piece Maker

 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

The learners will understand what a spiritual gift is and that there are different kinds of gifts.


No Class Today!  Please join us next week 8/25/2024 for Lesson 3 from:

Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

8/11/2024 - Lesson 2:  Before I Became a Piece

1 Corinthians 12:1-3

The learners will understand that salvation (trusting Jesus alone for eternal life) is necessary before they can be a piece of the church puzzle.


Baptist Expositor: 1 Corinthians 12-14: Concerning Spirit Gifts

8/4/2024 - Lesson 1:  Corinth, the Divided Church

Acts 18:1-18; 1 Corinthians 1:1-2; 2:1-5

The learner will recognize the importance of knowing the background of 1 Corinthians and why Paul focused on spiritual gifts.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity And Mission Of The Messiah

7/28/2024 - Lesson 13:  What Do You Want?

Mark 10:32-52

To help learners understand Jesus' mission and submit to following him.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity And Mission Of The Messiah

7/21/2024 - Lesson 12:  Entering The Kingdom of God

Mark 10:13-31

Learners will recognize that a childlike attitude of humility and faith is required to enter the kingdom of God.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity And Mission Of The Messiah

7/14/2024 - Lesson 11:  What God Has Joined Together

Mark 10:1-12

Learners will understand and commit themselves to Jesus' teaching on marriage.


No Class today 7/7/2024.  Class will resume 7/14/2024.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity And Mission Of The Messiah

6/30/2024- Lesson 10:  A Committed Life

Mark 9:30-50

Considering Jesus' total commitment to His mission, learners will be challenged to commit themselves to serving Christ with humility.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity And Mission Of The Messiah

6/23/2024- Lesson 9:  The Power of the messiah's Kingdom

Mark 9:1-29

Learners will recognize the glory and power of Christ's kingdom and rely upon His power as they attempt to serve Him.


No Class Today!  Happy Father's Day!

See you all on 6/23/2024!


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

6/9/2024- Lesson 8:  Eyes to See Clearly

Mark 8:22-38

Learners will recognize that Jesus is the Christ and will submit to follow Him, no matter what the cost might be.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

6/2/2024- Lesson 7:  Bread that Satisfjes

Mark 8:1-21

Learners will recognize and submit to Jesus' authority as the Son of God.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

5/19/2024 - Lesson 6:  Pleading For Loved Ones

Mark 7:24-37

Learners will trust Jesus as He ministers to those they bring to Him.


No Class Today. Let's celebrate our Mothers!


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

5/5/2024 - Lesson 5:  Defiled Hands; Defiled Hearts 

Mark 7:1-23

Learners will be challenged to recognize areas in their lives where they may be elevating traditions above the commands of God


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

4/28/2024 - Lesson 4:  The Compassionate Shepherd

Mark 6:30-56

Learners will be encouraged to trust Jesus in every situation, confident that His compassion will supply every need.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

4/21/2024 - Lesson 3:  Responding to God's Authority Mark 6:1-29

Learners will be warned about how easy it is to reject God's authority.


Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

4/14/2024 - Lesson 2: Made Whole By Faith Mark 5:21-43

Learners will be encouraged to trust Jesus' authority to deal with every issue they face in life.


We are starting a new study series. For the next several weeks, we are using the following book:

Baptist Expositor: Mark 5-10: The Identity and Mission of the Messiah

4/7/2024 - Lesson 1: Setting Captives Free Mark 5:1-20

Jesus can rescue anyone from bondage, even those who are totally enslaved in sin.


No Class today 3/31/2024.  Class will resume on 4/7/2024 at 10am



Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Bondage vs. Life

 Our relationship with God is no longer achieved by performances in a law system.  We who are in Christ now enjoy a relationship characterized by God's grace.

"For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ."  John 1:17

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Releasing Life

Giving and asking forgiveness removes the cause of bitterness and releases Christ's life to flow freely through a believer.

"Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity." Ephesians 4:26-27

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Unveiling Life

What is the difference between Temptations and Burdens?

God asks us to take the same path of surrender that Jesus went through on His way to the cross.  "And He withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and began to pray, saying, 'Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.'" Luke 22:41-42

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Exposing the Counterfeit Life

Are you walking in the Spirit moment by moment everyday?

In this lesson, we have an opportunity to ask God to expose our flesh so we can walk more consistently in the victory found in submitting to the Holy Spirit.

Take a moment to look at this lesson before class and complete at least one Event, starting on pages 96 and ending on page 106.

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Reigning in Life

Reigning in life involves overcoming the enemy who battles us in our minds. 

By putting on Christ, we have all the spiritual armor we need - Ephesians 6:12-15

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Cultivating Life

The life of a mighty oak tree is in the little acorn.  It only needs watering and nourishing for it to grow to full potential.

What spiritual disciplines can we foster our spiritual growth?

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Displaying Life

The Bible describes many different characteristics of the Spirit's expression of God's life in His children.  Galatians 5:22-23 reveals nine characteristics.

What are those 9 characteristics?

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No Sunday School 1/21/2024 Due to Inclement Weather.

See you Next Week!


Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Fellowship with God

"...and the sheep hear his (the shepherd's) voice, and he calls is own sheep by name and leads them out.  When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice." John 10:3a-4

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Christ's Life

"But as many as received Him,  to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name," John 1:12

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Restored Life

Just as a butterfly is made new inside a chrysalis, so too believers are made new spiritually in Christ

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Provision for Life

Jesus is God's provision for redemption and restoration of Life to humanity.

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Development of Flesh

"For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life-is not from the Father but is from the world." 1 John 2:16

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Consequences of the Fall

"The serpent said to the woman, 'You surely will not die!  For God knows that in the day you eat from it yours eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'" Genesis 3:4-5

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

The Two Trees

"Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" Genesis 2:9

Click on  "learn more" for Lesson 5

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Purpose of Humanity

"Everyone who is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory, whom I hae formed, even whom I have made." - Isaiah 43:7

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Needs of Humanity

" does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds our of the mouth of the LORD."  - Deuteronomy 8:3

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Living Jesus - Growing In The LIFE We Were Made to LIVE

Design of Humanity

"Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness.'" - Genesis 1:26a

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Unlocking the Parables of Jesus

10/01/2023 thru 10/29/2023

In this course, Dr. Craig Blomberg explains the interpretive frameworks we can use to better understand the meanings of the parables. Beginning with the parable of “The Prodigal Son”, you will explore dozens of the stories Jesus told about the Kingdom of God and what it means to follow Him.


Lesson 1: Keys to Interpreting the Parables

“There was a man who had two sons…” “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers.” “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls…”  Jesus was a master storyteller. His stories capture our attention and cause us to ponder their meaning. In this first of five lessons Professor of New Testament, Dr. Craig Blomberg, walks us through four different approaches to understanding the parables of Jesus.

  10/01/2023 Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Exploring the Simpler 3-Point Parables

To understand the parables of Jesus, we must understand their context—and there are multiple contexts. There is the context of the Scripture passage that points us to what Jesus aims to illustrate. And there is the context of Jesus’ audience. Given their culture and their historical setting, how would they understand these stories of Jesus?

In this second lesson, Dr. Craig Blomberg walks us through nine different parables, from the story of the “The Prodigal Son” to the parable of “The Wheat and Weeds,” to reveal a common thread. This common thread is one of the keys to interpreting the parables.

  10/08/2023 Lesson 2

Lesson 3:  Exploring the More Complex 3-Point Parables

Jesus is not content with words. Words can become conventions layered with religious meanings. Over time, they lose their meaning and become dulled by overuse. With his parables, Jesus calls us to attention and breathes life into the concepts of grace, forgiveness, judgement, and neighbor.

In this week’s lesson, we will look at ten more parables and witness how Jesus brings them to life through his storytelling.

  10/15/2023 Lesson 3

Lesson 4:  Exploring 2- and 1-Point Parables

Good guys and bad guys. Because Jesus often tells stories about two contrasting characters, it’s natural to assume that he is presenting us with good people and bad people, the right way and the wrong way. On one level, he is. However, in this fourth lesson, we learn that Jesus’ original audience, first-century Jews, would have felt tensions in these stories that are easy for us to miss. Why does Jesus make the enemy (the tax collector) the hero? And why would he compare God to an unjust judge? Explore fourteen more parables with us as we continue our journey through these stories of Jesus.

  10/22/2023 Lesson 4

Lesson 5:  Exploring the Parables: Themes & Conclusions

Where do the parables lead us? In this final lesson, Dr. Craig Blomberg explains that “True Biblical understanding goes beyond the intellect. It goes to a heart attitude, it goes to a matter of the will. The real understanding that some never grasp is the understanding that leads to taking the next step, the step of discipleship.” They lead us to Christ himself.

Here we will look at two final stories, non-canonical parables, themes, and the Christology of the parables.

  10/29/2023 Lesson 5

Luke-John:  Two Interpretations of Jesus

9/10/23 thru 9/24/23

Luke – John: Two Interpretations of Jesus provides two different renditions of Jesus’ life and ministry. Adding the perspectives of Luke and John to those given by Matthew and Mark will provide additional detail and explanation to the incredible life of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

Lesson 1:  Luke-John:  The Gospel According to Luke and John

This lesson studies Jesus’ life as recorded in Luke and John. Their purpose, background, emphases, and audiences are explored. Similarities and differences between each writer’s record and the gospels are presented and explained to give you a fuller understanding of the incomprehensible Jesus.

  9/10/2023 Lesson 1

Lesson 2:  Jesus and John:  Two Miracle Births

This lesson presents a time-line of Jesus’ life and ministry and helps you gain an overview of Jesus’ life on earth. It then focuses on His birth as presented in both Matthew and Luke.

  9/17/2023 Lesson 2

Lesson 3:  Who IS This Man?:  The Beginning of Jesus' Ministry

In this lesson you will study Jesus’ baptism and temptation. Then you will survey the early days of Jesus’ ministry where He introduced His unique message and approach. The lesson covers Jesus’ year of popularity during His Galilean ministry.

  9/24/2023 Lesson 3


No Class Today!  Join us next week as we begin a new series!!

Happy Labor Day!

Matthew-Mark: Two Presentations of Jesus
8/13/23 thru 8/27/23

Matthew – Mark: Two Presentations of Jesus introduces students to the Gospels as literature and then focuses in on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark. Students will study the specific purposes of each book and how the writers told the account of Jesus’ life to accomplish their unique goals. 



Lesson 1:  Is the New Testament Really the New Testament?

How do we know that what is in our New Testament is what the apostles actually wrote? How do we know the books in the New Testament are the ones that belong there? This lesson explores these two questions by introducing you to textual criticism and canonicity; two disciplines that provide essential foundations for confidence in the New Testament record.

  8/13/2023 Lesson 1

Lesson 2:  Matthew-Mark: Two Stories of Jesus

This lesson studies Jesus’ life as recorded in Matthew and Mark. Their purpose, background, emphases, and audiences are explored. Similarities and differences between each writer’s record and the other three gospels are presented and explained to give you a fuller understanding of the incomprehensible Jesus.    

  8/20/2023 Lesson 2

  Lesson 3:   The New Testament as God's Revelation

This lesson examines the rather fantastic claim that the New Testament is authoritative because it is a revelation from God Himself. You will study why you can trust the New Testament as God’s Word and how you can apply seven disciplines of study to your reading of the New Testament to increase accuracy of interpretation.

  8/27/2023 Lesson 3



The Miracles of Jesus - 7/9/23 thru 8/13/23

Did They Really Happen?

Even after 2000 years, the miracles of Jesus still raise questions: Did Jesus really cause the lame to walk, give sight to the blind, and raise the dead? Or were His supernatural acts merely legends created by His followers. Many simply can’t believe that the miracles recorded in the New Testament gospels actually happened or that miracles are even possible. What evidence can we find for a miracle-working Jesus? And what can the ancient land of the Bible reveal? 

  07/09/23 Lesson 1

What Kinds of Miracles Did Jesus Do?

The Bible is a book that holds a supernatural view of the world. Of course, much of Scripture recognizes the natural processes of life: the sun rising and setting, the growing of crops, and the life cycle of human beings. Yet the Scriptures reveal that spiritual realities beyond nature do exist. When God intervenes into natural processes a miracle occurs. Certainly this is the claim of Jesus of Nazareth. And if He did perform these works, what were they like?

  07/16/23 Lesson 2

Why Did Jesus Do Miracles?

Certainly in Western Civilization, the impact of Jesus of Nazareth is difficult to overstate. Our current calendar divides itself into B.C. – “before Christ”, A.D. Anno Domini – “in the year of our Lord”. Kenneth Scott Latourette’s carefully researched study, The History of the Expansion of Christianity, chronicles the amazing influence of Christ’s life and teaching carried by missionaries from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. In the history of the world, many religious leaders making stupendous claims have come and gone. Why then has the life and message of Jesus endured as it has? The biblical answer to this is that his claims were shown to be true by supernatural acts. This verification, the words he taught and the life he lived place him a category distinct from all other religious leaders. We will now consider the reasons for Jesus’ miraculous life.

  07/23/23 Lesson 3

Why Did Jesus’ Miracles Create Controversy? – Part I

Today many think that the dividing line between believers and unbelievers in Jesus’ miracles is the separation between religious and secular thinking. This is due in part to our own experience of some leading experts in the sciences alleging supernatural interference with natural law is impossible. For the naturalist only matter, space and time exist. But in Jesus day we find much of the controversy surrounding his miracles coming from the religious community. In one camp there were those who ardently believed in the miracles recorded in the Old Testament and a confidence in supernatural resurrection for the faithful in the future. Yet other religious groups denied some the miracles of the Bible and even rejected the resurrection out right. Before the clear view of both groups, Jesus performed one miracle after another stirring up great controversy that ultimately led to his death by crucifixion. Let’s consider the response of these different groups.

  07/30/23 Lesson 4

Why Did Jesus’ Miracles Create Controversy? – Part II

Jesus’ miraculous ministry was inaugurated by the witness of a prophetic forerunner, John the Baptizer. Matthew 3:1-3 correlates his divine message with Isaiah’s words : “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” 3 For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: “ The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘ Prepare the way of the LORD; Make His paths straight. Matt 3:1-3. Those who expected the arrival of the Messiah had John’s confirmation of Jesus as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). Yet despite these prophetic words, John the Baptizer would later have his own doubts about Jesus being the Messiah. And in a broader audience of those who saw Christ’s mighty miracles, there would be those who would doubt the source of what they had seen.

  08/06/23 Lesson 5

Are Jesus’ Miracles Still Important?

In this lesson we will hear Mart DeHaan make these observations about Christ’s miracles. “In order for Jesus to be considered the long awaited Messiah of Israel he would have to do the miracles the Hebrew Scriptures said the Messiah would do. And for the next three and a half years after his baptism by John, according to the New Testament Gospels, Jesus provided the needed evidence. He shows his power over nature by stilling a storm. He shows his power over disease by healing the sick. And he shows his power over the spirit world by casting out demons. Jesus miracles fulfilled Old Testament descriptions of Messiah…and even more important they revealed that he was God in the flesh.” But even if these confirming signs did take place, what relevance do they have for us today?

  08/13/23 Lesson 6


No Class this date.  See you all on 7/9/2023.  We will begin a New Series.


Defending Our Faith:  Answering the LGBT Community

What does the LGBT community believe about who God is? Can there be gay Christians? Is a person born gay?

  Lesson 6


Defending Our Faith:  Answering Mormonism

What do Mormons believe about the Book of Mormon? About the Bible? What do Mormons believe about who Jesus is?

  Lesson 5


Defending Our Faith: Answering Jehovah's Witnesses

The one thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions is Jesus Christ. Who do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jesus is?

  Lesson 4


Defending Our Faith:  Answering Roman Catholicism

There are two major areas where Roman Catholics differ from Christianity. Who is the head of the church—the pope or Jesus? Who is the mediator between us and God—Jesus or Mary?

  Lesson 3


No Class this date.  See you all on 6/4/2023.  We will continue our Defending Our Faith series



Defending Our Faith: Answering Islam

The areas where Islam differs from Christianity is in who Jesus is, what the Bible is, and how you can be saved.

You should be able to do the following:

  • Understand the difference between what Muslims and Christians believe about who Jesus Christ is.
  • Understand what Muslims believe about the Koran and the Bible.
  • Understand the difference between the Muslim and Christian views of salvation.

Click on the below link for Lesson 2


Defending Our Faith:  Urban Apologetics

What is apologetics? It is to be able to give a gentle response to those who question your beliefs. This is done not by “winning the argument” but with a gentle and humble response of what the Bible says.

Click on the "learn more" button to see Lesson 1

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Biblical Geography Basics:  Weather of the Promised Land

Weather is arguably the physical force of geography that impacts us most often and deeply. It affects how we dress, the food we eat, and when we travel. In this session, we will explore the weather of the Promised Land by looking at the summer season, the winter season, and the types of wind that impact this land.

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Biblical Geography Basics: Water Realities of the Promised Land

Nothing is more vital to our physical life than water, so it is not surprising that water is mentioned somewhat frequently in the Bible. But the water realities of those living in the Promised Land were very different than our own. In this session, we will look at the water supply of this land, the challenges of acquiring it, and the creative solutions used to keep it accessible.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  Routes in and through the Promised Land

Although there were no improved roads of any consequence in the Promised Land during Bible times, there were established routes. In this session, we will look at how those routes came into being, explore the nature of those ancient roads, and identify travel arteries in and through the Promised Land.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  Traveling the Promised Land

The Bible is filled with stories of people on the move. Because travel is greatly influenced by place, this topic falls under the category of human geography. In this session, we will look at how people traveled in Bible times and at the risks they encountered along the way.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  Key Geographical Characteristics of the Promised Land

One of the easiest ways to become acquainted with a place new to us is to learn some of its general characteristics. In this session, we will introduce you to five key geographical characteristics of the Promised Land.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  The Fertile Crescent and the Promised Land

Given the frequency with which the geography of the Bible takes us to the Promised Land, we may be tempted to focus all our geographical energy there. But before we zoom in, it is helpful to zoom out and look at the larger geographical context of the Promised Land, the Fertile Crescent.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  How Can I Grow My Geographical Literacy?

Once you begin to see the value of reading your Bible geographically, you will want to grow your geographical literacy. In this session, we will present three advanced steps you can take to improve your geographical understanding of Bible lands.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  Now What?

If you are a Bible reader who wants to give attention to every detail, it will be necessary to find a way to engage the Bible’s geography. In this session, we will present a three-step plan to help you integrate the Bible’s geography into your Bible study.

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Biblical Geography Basics:  Why is there geography in my Bible?

There is no mistaking that geography appears on nearly every page of our Bible. But why is it there? In this session, we will see there is geography in the Bible because the Bible had human authors and because the plan of salvation is a plan linked to place.

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Biblical Geography Basics:   What is Geography?

Although the Bible is not a geography book, it is a book filled with geography. This course is designed to introduce you to the geography that appears on the pages of our Bible. In this session, we will define geography.

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What the Bible is All About:  The Mission of God's People

Redeemed for what purpose? In this final lesson, Dr. Young challenges a view of redemption that is limited to personal forgiveness. Yes–redemption includes forgiveness, but God’s purposes in rescuing and redeeming humanity are more grand in scope! In an article by Professor Howard Baker we will explore what it means to be Jesus’ disciples, sent into the world in the same way that Jesus was sent by the Father into the world. Dr. David Matthewson explores the roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to send and empower believers. Finally, Denver Seminary graduate, Tracey Bianchi, will encourage us with a reflection on what it means to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

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What the Bible is All About: Restoration and God's People

God does not abandon His rebels. He moves toward them to rescue and restore broken humanity. In lesson 4, Dr. Young will explore how God rescues his creation. We will take an in-depth look at Abraham, an example and model of how God intimately involves people in His mission of restoration. In an article, Dr. Bill Klein will examine our identity through the lens of I Peter 2:9. And graduate and pastor, Joe Serdinski, reflects on how his seminary journey helped him to take God out of a box.

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What the Bible is All About:  Rebellion & Redemption

In one deliberate choice, paradise is lost. In this third lesson, Dr. Young takes a sober look at the tragedy of Genesis 3 and asks the critical question: What is God going to do? Professor of New Testament, Dr. Erin Heim, will explore the concepts of sin and rescue in the letters of Paul the Apostle. Also included is a pastoral application from Denver Seminary alumna and board member, Elisa Morgan in her article, “Silencing the Hiss.”

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What the Bible is All About:  Creation & the Image of God

Why does God create the heavens and the earth? What impact does that have on the rest of scripture and even the rest of history? What is the image of God? Diving in to one of the most mysterious and rich passages in all of Scripture, Dr. Young carefully and thoughtfully leads us through God’s creative work in Genesis. This lesson also includes scholarly contribution from Denver Seminary professors Elodie Emig and Dr. Richard Hess, examining the creation event from both New Testament and Old Testament perspectives. Finally, Denver Alumna, De’Leathia Hightower shares a powerful story of how creation can lead us to worship our Creator.

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What the Bible is all about - The Power of a Story

You may be familiar with many of the stories found in Bible, but what about the story of the Bible? How can we zoom back to see the larger story God is communicating to us through His Word? In this first lesson, that’s exactly what we will set out to do. President of Denver Seminary, Dr. Mark Young, will lead us on this journey, where we will learn to see the themes that begin in Genesis and weave through Scripture to the book of Revelation.

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Prayer Basics:  Living a Prayer-Filled Life

This lesson will investigate how to live increasingly in God’s presence through prayer—a relationship that God deeply desires. We will examine the examples of several very different individuals throughout history who have prayerfully “lived in the moment” with their risen Savior and have been greatly blessed as a result.

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Prayer Basics: Perserving in Prayer

Persevering in prayer isn’t easy. If we’re not attentive, we can confuse the need to keep praying about something with God saying “no” and give up without seeing any results. But the vital importance of going the distance in prayer is illustrated in multiple places in both the Old and New Testaments. In this lesson, we’ll examine what God’s Word has to teach us about this vital topic and gain practical insight for persevering in prayer ourselves.

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what about "Unanswered" Prayer?

Unanswered prayer can be one of the most difficult things we face in the Christian faith. God gives us several great promises about prayer in the Bible, but He also shows us examples of faithful individuals whose prayers went unanswered. In this lesson, we’ll dive deeper into the challenges presented by unanswered prayer and learn about what to do when we encounter it in our own lives.

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Prayer Basics:  Prayer and Fasting

The Bible indicates that prayer with fasting is something God values and blesses, but misunderstandings about fasting abound. Fasting isn’t a practice reserved for the “super spiritual” or something we do to earn God’s attention or approval. Fasting is, however, a way to grow closer in our relationship with God. This lesson takes a down-to-earth look at why fasting matters and offers helpful insight for how to do it.

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Prayer Basics:  Praying with Others

As the Bible clearly indicates, God deeply desires for Christians to pray together, but many believers today struggle with praying with others. This lesson will investigate several biblical mandates for united prayer and a very special promise Jesus made for believers who pray together. It will also delve into several practical suggestions that help make praying with others easier and the blessing God intends it to be.

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Prayer Basics:  Praying for Others

We understand from Scripture that our prayers for others can make a wonderful difference in their lives, but do we also understand the blessings we receive when we love others with our prayers? This lesson is intended to inspire the student to pray for others in creative and practical ways, and to reap the benefits!

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Prayer Basics:  Obstacles to Prayer

There are several common obstacles that can discourage us when we try to pray. In this lesson, we’ll identify the “main offenders” and several helpful strategies for overcoming them. God never intended prayer to be difficult, but rather a source of encouragement and strength in our relationship with Him. This lesson offers a practical “clinic” on prayer in everyday life.

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Prayer Basics: When You Don't Know What To Say

The goal of this lesson is to help the student understand that true prayer is about more than simply the words we use. It will equip the student to talk to God in ways that are natural and unforced and to go deeper in learning how to pray according to God’s Word.

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Prayer Basics: Why Not Pray?

God wants us to ask when we pray. His desire that we make requests of Him shows us His love and His longing for a relationship with us. But asking isn’t only about us and our wants and needs. It’s about God’s kingdom and His purposes and the amazing things He wants to accomplish through us as we pray.

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Prayer Basics:  Why Pray

The scriptural basis for prayer is not legalistic or ritualistic. It is both deeply relational and immensely practical. This lesson delves into an understanding of prayer as both a privilege and a blessing and underscores the necessity of a consistent practice of prayer for a vital and growing Christian life.

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